Gray Wolf
Research Group
The gray wolf research group is headed by Dr. David Ausband, USGS scientist and faculty member at the University of Idaho. Dr. Ausband, his graduate students, technicians, and research collaborators conduct research on wild wolves to better understand their ecology and help inform wolf management and conservation.
Our Current Research
Check out our previous research projects! We have collaborated and conducted research on wolves throughout the US and Canada including Yellowstone National Park. While our main focus is on gray wolf research, we also conduct research on Mexican wolves.
We are currently making habitat models for Mexican wolves that can be used to guide future field survey efforts and help document Mexican wolf recovery.
We conducted research in Yellowstone National Park as part of a study exploring the potential impacts of hunting and trapping on wolves. Wolves are protected in the Park and the study area served as a baseline representing low wolf mortality.
We assessed genetic connectivity and diversity of wolves between two protected areas in Alaska; Denali National Park and Yukon-Charley Rivers Preserve.

Donate Today
Your money will go directly to our current research effort, The Idaho Wolf Project, and will help us survey for and sample wolves in Idaho. Click the Donate button and select "CNR Carnivore Ecology" to donate today. Thank you!